Is it really all happening or are we living in a science fiction! Within a few days nothing is as it always was, our whole life from yesterday to today, everything switched off, and this not only here and there, but step by step across the whole world. And why this all: A virus threatens mankind with illness and death, such a micro creature, you cannot even recognize with a binocular, and that creeps into human bodies and damages the health of humans or even kills them.
On the other hand, why should this be a science fiction? Isn’t it, at the same time, very normal that happens every day and is part of our daily life: every year around the same time mankind is attacked by those micro-creatures, viruses, creeping into the body of humans, make them sick and even kill quite an amount. The number of people infected by this virus and the number of the death this virus kills, sophisticated scientists are always able to anticipate quite precisely even in advance and at the end of each season they do the more accurate recording and do their lists. That’s all.
Not to forget: It is also a kind of routine, that the numbers of dead and ill people are counted across the year, diseases, known by mankind and by all the armies of scientists since ages, doing research about them, without finding any means against them, means which would extinguish these diseases once and forever.
Regarding the concerns nation states have with diseases, one could also remember that there is an exact documented number of people dying of hunger each minute. Also about this, there is an accurate recoding, and that’s it, and this is also very normal, there are some moral concerns expressed about this, apart from this no reason to think about this, it is also part of our life, thereby ticked off, no reason to be concerned about.
So what is the point about the Virus named COVID-19, why is this virus able to stop the entire life from today to tomorrow across the whole world? Everything, that is part of our every day’s life duties is closed down, kindergartens, schools, universities, this is where you were obliged to go to, now no longer, now it is all forbidden to go; also shops, bars, pubs, cinemas, football, everything switched off, simply everything people appreciate in the free time, switched off, now it is all forbidden to do, what so far people were even obliged to do – with one exception, working, this is where everybody still has to go to, given they are healthy, though one gets this virus at work just in the very same way, as one can get it at school.
Why all this happens? The answer is simple: Unlike for the other diseases, making people sick and some die, there is no remedy against this virus. And why not? And what is now the problem, that there is a remedy against other diseases, though people get sick and die though there is medicine, and there is even an accurate recording about the number of sick and dead people year by year.
And, as said before, regarding those people who die of hunger minute by minute, the question, what could be done against that, is not seriously discussed, this is how it is.
This is not really any concern and nobody really cares about this, just as it is accepted that there are people getting sick and dying of diseases against which there is medicine, however, medicine, which does not necessarily heal them, but thanks to which it is possible to control more or less how many people get ill, and, also, which people when, that is at which age, get ill and are dying.
Regarding those people who die of hunger, and where the medicine is more than simple, just giving them something to eat, nobody really cares about these people dying of hunger, and the reason for this is, that they are people who are of no use. That’s how it is, only those who can be used, get something to eat. And to be used means, to find a job and a job can only be found, if there is anybody who makes a business from these jobs. Everybody knows this, this is how it is everywhere in the world. If there is a business that can be made by employing somebody, there are jobs. Where there are no such businesses, there are no jobs. And where there are no jobs, there is no money, hence, nothing to eat. This is how the world works. That’s all about hunger.
And those people, who die of influenza or cancer, diseases against there is medicine, which does not mean that people are not getting ill or die, but where sick and dead people are taken into account as business as usual every year, in these cases, this is also not considered as a serious problem: Most people dying of cancer are mostly old people, means people who are of no more use, in this respect similar to those which die of hunger; regarding to influenza, thanks to the medical treatments, the number of ill and dead people are under control, and with this amount of people one can calculate year by year, healing this this disease once and forever is not an objective.
And this is the whole problem about this new virus COVID-19. The Problems are not the ill and dead people, these also exist with all the other diseases, the problem is, that those people who have the say about what we all have to do everyday and who then say, that all this is now forbidden, the real problem is that there is no medicine against this virus and no medicine means that the political elites who also decide about the health care system have no means to have any control over the number of ill people, as they can do it with those other diseases. And this, having no control over the health of their people, this is the most serious trouble for them.
The answer on the question then, if medicine is such important means to have control over the people’s health, why there is no such medicine brings us already half way towards the answer on the question, why the fact, that there is no medicine against this virus, all politicians across the world consider this as being in a war and not only see it this way but also act in this way.
So, why is there no medicine? Everybody knows, that there could be a medicine against this new virus: After the last virus attack, which was called SARS, scientists strongly recommended to use this virus to do intensive research and to develop medical treatments, in order to be prepared for the next virus, based on the fact that all these viruses are very similar. To do this research and to develop any medicine against future viruses a couple of millions were needed, not at all any huge amount compared with the mountains of money which are usually moved on the markets and by nation states. And then, what happened? As everybody knows, money is only invested where it promises to return with an attractive plus. And, like everywhere else in capitalism, this research did not happen, because it did no longer promise this good business, no money was invested, neither from private capital nor from the state, because the SARS virus suddenly disappeared and anyway, the virus was only active in Asia and did not come to Europe. So, no reason to see this research as a promising business, and the research, that was ready to create this medicine was stopped. This is why there is no medicine against the new virus today.
And with this answer, why there is no medicine against this new virus, which would allow those who have control over everything and would also allow, thanks to the medicine, to have control over the damages this new virus causes, with this answer it becomes almost clear, why nation states across the world, having no control over how the virus and what kind of harm this virus is doing when to whom and to how many, why these nation states consider them being in a war and not only interpret this as a war but also act as if this was a war.
For nation states, the situation that they have no means for influencing how people are, and that it is a virus, who decides who and how many become ill, this is a worst case scenario for a nation state, because there could be nothing worse, but no longer having the say over its people, their living conditions in general and their health in particular. Because this authority over the people and the country, this is what constitutes what a nation state is all about and this is why a virus for these political authorities is questioning an otherwise never questioned sovereignty, sovereignty such a nation state is all about. A nation state without sovereignty over what happens to the people it rules questions – one must conclude – its sheer existence and this is why nation states consider themselves being in a war, just as if the virus was another nation state attacking this sovereignty with military forces. Anything that does not obey nation states, may it be a virus, for a nation state this is war, because having everything under its control, this is what makes a nation state a nation state, an absolute sovereign political power, not ever questioned by anything or anybody.
And it is this problem, by not having any medicine against this virus having no authority over the people any longer, for nation states this is war, therefore a declaration of war against a virus, followed by political measures directed towards reassuring with its health system its sovereignty over the people. And it is this aim, re-assuring its sovereignty as a nation state, no longer questioned by anything or anybody, may this be a virus, that is shaping the political actions, which are therefore consisting of political measures all made for real wars. And it is these measures performed with all the political power instruments nation states have for a war, including suspending with all the means of force a nation state has, suspending all the rules of citizen’s everyday’s lives they usually follow as good citizens, forcing citizens towards their health.
What all these nation states do to reassure their sovereignty, the measure they take and what this is telling about nation states and citizens, this will be the topic of the next blog 2. How all these states carry out this war for reassuring their authority inside their countries and connect this in their relations to foreign countries, this is the topic of blog 3.
In fact, there are many really weird things happening: A health care system that must be protected against too many ill citizens; healthy people, who must be forced, to not become ill; to combat a virus, which does not know what a nation state border is, borders are erected and in case where they had been widely unknown, as in Europe, they are re-erected and this more than before; moreover, citizens with a foreign nationality, are by all those nation states, who care so radically about the health of citizens, expelled from countries, to not overstretch the national health care system. And many more weird things.
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