Que é a guerra e o que é melhor fazer e não fazer – Porque a paz e a guerra são variações da racionalidade do mesmo estado
(Este blog é o tema do próximo “Polit Talk” a 5 de Junho, 11 horas CET, ver também “Polit Talk” neste site) (Este artigo é uma tradução automática. Se tiver sugestões para correcções, elas são muito bem-vindas.) 1. Estupidezes perigosas É verdade: se um Estado atacar outro Estado numa guerra da qual você é cidadão,…
Worum es im Krieg geht und was man besser tun und lassen sollte – Warum Friede und Krieg Variationen derselben Staatsrationalität sind
(Dieser blog ist ein Beitrag zum „Polit Talk“ am 5. Juni um 11 Uhr CET über den Krieg in der Ukraine) 1.Schädliche Dummheiten Das stimmt schon: greift ein Staat einen anderen Staat in einem Krieg an, dessen Staatsbürgerschaft man hat, wird man zum feindlichen Objekt des angreifenden Staates. So wie in der Ukraine, wird jeder…
Why peace and war are variations of the same state rationale – What war is and what to do and what not
(This blog is the topic of the next “Polit Talk” on 5. June, 11 am CET, see also “Polit Talk” on this site) For the German version click here:https://michael-kuhn.net/de/2022/05/09/worum-es-im-krieg-geht-und-was-man-besser-tun-und-lassen-sollte/ Para a versão portuguesa clique aqui: https://michael-kuhn.net/pt/2022/05/09/que-e-a-guerra-e-o-que-e-melhor-fazer-e-nao-fazer/ Para ver el blog en español, haga clic aquí: https://michael-kuhn.net/es/2022/05/10/en-que-consiste-la-guerra-y-que-es-mejor-hacer-y-no-hacer/ Для русской версии нажмите здесь:https://michael-kuhn.net/ru/2022/05/10/что-такое-война-и-что-лучше-делать-и-не/ 1. Dangerous stupidities It…
War in Ukraine – beyond partiality
Guest article by M. Kleindienst We are currently experiencing war in Ukraine. States on either side are walking over dead bodies for their state-political interests. In these wars countries and people are used as mere material for the destruction of the enemy’s resources, where any individuals as a private person do not matter at all.…
Die EU im Krieg in der Ukraine – eine Zeitenwende der Politik der EU?
Vorbemerkung: Wer sich im vollen Besitz seiner geistigen Kräfte für eine Kriegspartei, also für einen Krieg einsetzt, auf welcher Seite auch immer, und sei es nur mit seinen Gedanken, wer also für den Einsatz für ein politisches Ziel das Leben von Leuten hergibt und dies auch noch für solche Gewaltexzesse wie für Kriege zwischen Staaten,…
The EU at war in Ukraine – a turning point in EU policies?
Preliminary remark: Anyone who, in full possession of his mental powers, supports a warring party, i.e. a war, on whatever side, even if it is only with his thoughts, i.e. anyone who gives up people’s lives for the sake of a political goal, and this even for such excesses of violence as for wars between…
War – every now and then, always here and there
And in between, every now and then, war. In order to answer the question of why this is so, it is better not to ask the question that is most readily asked before, preferably during and after every war, namely the question of who started a war, i.e. who is to blame for the war.…
“¿Nueva Guerra Fría?” — Una breve historia de las hostilidades entre Occidente y la Unión Soviética/Rusia
Teniendo en cuenta el conflicto entre la OTAN y Rusia con respecto a Ucrania, las personas en el Occidente han comenzado a preguntarse si estamos yendo de nuevo en dirección a una guerra fría. Un periodista alemán recientemente publicó de nuevo una entrevista con el Sr. Gorbachev a quien preguntó lo que pensaba al respecto de esto.…
How to not argue against war – Comments about a declaration of leftist intellectuals concerning the Ukraine conflict
(The declaration is copied below in English) To the signatories of the declaration I read your statement – and find it disastrous. Why? I wonder how many more wars leftists need to realise that such constructive interference in the strategic considerations of imperialist states on how to wage their enmities and define their real enemies,…
“New Cold War?” – A brief history of the hostilities between the West and the Soviet Union/Russia
Looking at the conflict between the NATO and Russia around Ukraine, people in the West started to raise the question, if we are moving towards a new cold war II. A German journalist re-published an interview with Mr. Gorbatschow and asked him what he thinks about this. His answers are very telling about the end…