Category: Blog English
The EU at war in Ukraine – a turning point in EU policies?
Preliminary remark: Anyone who, in full possession of his mental powers, supports a warring party, i.e. a war, on whatever side, even if it is only with his thoughts, i.e. anyone who gives up people’s lives for the sake of a political goal, and this even for such excesses of violence as for wars between…
War – every now and then, always here and there
And in between, every now and then, war. In order to answer the question of why this is so, it is better not to ask the question that is most readily asked before, preferably during and after every war, namely the question of who started a war, i.e. who is to blame for the war.…
“¿Nueva Guerra Fría?” — Una breve historia de las hostilidades entre Occidente y la Unión Soviética/Rusia
Teniendo en cuenta el conflicto entre la OTAN y Rusia con respecto a Ucrania, las personas en el Occidente han comenzado a preguntarse si estamos yendo de nuevo en dirección a una guerra fría. Un periodista alemán recientemente publicó de nuevo una entrevista con el Sr. Gorbachev a quien preguntó lo que pensaba al respecto de esto.…
How to not argue against war – Comments about a declaration of leftist intellectuals concerning the Ukraine conflict
(The declaration is copied below in English) To the signatories of the declaration I read your statement – and find it disastrous. Why? I wonder how many more wars leftists need to realise that such constructive interference in the strategic considerations of imperialist states on how to wage their enmities and define their real enemies,…
“New Cold War?” – A brief history of the hostilities between the West and the Soviet Union/Russia
Looking at the conflict between the NATO and Russia around Ukraine, people in the West started to raise the question, if we are moving towards a new cold war II. A German journalist re-published an interview with Mr. Gorbatschow and asked him what he thinks about this. His answers are very telling about the end…
Kinder als “Schutzschilder”
Worum es geht: Polizisten gehen mit Pfefferspray gegen Demonstranten vor, die gegen die Coronapolitik in Deutschland demonstrieren; ein Kind wird verletzt und die Polizeiführung wirft der Mutter des Kindes vor, ihr Kind als „menschliches Schutzschild“ gegen Polizeimaßnahmen zu verwenden. Die Frau wird dafür mit einem Bußgeld bestraft. Über der Empörung darüber, dass hier mit dem…
Children as “protection shields”
What happened: Policemen attacked people demonstrating against Covid policies in Germany with pepper spray; one child was injured and the leaders of the police accused the child’s mother of misusing her child as a “protection shield” against police actions. Therefore she was fined. Becoming outrageous about, that, by accusing demonstrating people of misusing children as…
Corona 12 (English) Oddities of communal actions by citizen societies and their state against a virus
With the blogs so far, the most important things about Corona have actually been said. Nation states around the world judge this viral disease as a challenge to their sovereign rule over their people, and they respond to this threat with a state-controlled spread of the virus, controlled by their health systems, in order to…
Corona 12 (Deutsch) Merkwürdigkeiten der Gemeinschaftsaktionen von Bürgergesellschaften und ihrem Staat gegen ein Virus
Mit den bisherigen Blogs ist eigentlich das Wichtigste zu Corona gesagt. Die Nationalstaaten auf der ganzen Welt beurteilen diese Viruserkrankung als Infragestellung ihrer souveränen Herrschaft über ihr Volk und sie reagieren auf diese Bedrohung mit einer staatlich kontrollierten Ausbreitung des Virus, kontrolliert mit ihren Gesundheitssystemen, um dazu zu gelangen, ihre politischen Fähigkeiten zur Bewältigung der…
Belarus – Views from a typical European critical intellectual – and how these views prepare people’s minds towards the next wars
Lilia Shevtsova, posted by anonymus BELARUS AND THIS CINICAL AND COWERFUL WORLD Belarus completes the collapse of the USSR with its drama. It is the Belarusians who put a point in this process, defrosting the remains of the Soviet Union. The Belarusian protest became an event that neither the West nor Russia were ready for.…