
Michael Kuhn – Arguing about theories and political opinions

  • Hongkong 3

    “Hongkong is the new Berlin in a new cold war. ”  Wong, political Hongkong activist, dreaming about World War III Remarkable what the fighter for democracy from Hongkong uncovers about war and democracy, the relation between both and about the social movement in Hongkong As a reminder: the cold war was the more than 50 years…

  • Hongkong 2

    Hongkong 1: “One can hopefully trust that the Hongkong people used their freedom collecting information about the world, that they know very well, that the US welcome and support such protests, given they are directed against governments or countries, which are their enemies, and instrumentalize them for their political purposes, as they did in Syria.…

  • Hongkong

    Hongkong protests – and some lessons about the freedom of speech 1. It is good to hear that people in Hongkong stand up against the Chinese government and the political system in China imposing the Chinese interpretation of citizenship on the people of Hongkong. That this regime, that made China a vibrant capitalist country still…

  • IPCC Report: Poverty, a weapon against global warming – and against poverty?

    Anybody out there, concerned about anything else but global warming? Anybody who still notes all sorts of military conflicts, old wars across the globe, preparations for new wars, Iran, latest India/Pakistan, countries having nuclear bombs extinguishing easily mankind, new bombs against China, new missiles moved closer to Russia? And so on and on. Nobody cares.…

  • Global warming – the hot global battle about the business with energy

    Combatting global warming is the new mission of mankind, finally unifying the world, a world that is elsewhere drowning in trade wars and other ugly things. Fulfilling the dreams of all sorts of philanthropists, ranging from such diverse people such as politicians, citizens, trade unions, students, pupils, soldiers, teachers and business people, all passionately sharing…

  • Venezuela 1

    Thinking about political events, such as what happens in Venezuela these days, does not mean that one has to give in to any temptation to take side with one of the political parties, especially if one does not share the agenda with either of any side.A few things one can learn from Venezuela: 1. Lectures of…

  • Ukraine, “a highlight of democracy”

    By the way, the media were delighted about these elections, because, as they say, they showed how smoothly democratic elections allow people to shift the power between different political parties. Would they have also been so ethusiastic about these elections, if not both political parties were friends of the EU and if a political party…

  • Ukraine Elections

    Why did a political amateur win the elections in Ukraine? The answer is simple: people voted for him, because he promised that he will abolish the corrupt political system. And then? What do people gain, if the the Ukraine political system is cleaned from corruption? They will get a political elite, now getting their legally…